Way to Go 2014

Way to Go 2014
LehiWay - All the way to State!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Jr. Pioneer Tryouts 2015

We will be having 2 A-teams and 1 B-team this year.  One A-team from each Jr. High and a combination B-team.
Tryouts will be Aug. 24th and 25th with practice starting the 26th.
On Monday the 24th we will start at 4pm and wrap about 7pm.  Tuesday we will start at 6pm wrap around 8:30.
Practice times for the 26th will be announced at tryouts. 
All girls from the 6th to the 9th grade are invited to tryout but must play in their school boundary.
The cost is approximately $150
Practice every Monday and Friday and play every Wednesday.

Volleyball Tryouts 2015

August 10th, 11th and 12th
Monday 10th from 8AM to 11AM and returning at 3PM to 5PM
Tuesday 11th from 8AM to 11AM and returning at 3PM to 5PM
Wednesday 12th from 8AM to 11AM
Things to do before tryouts:
Must be registered in registermyathlete.com
Complete physical
On July 29th at 6pm is Lehi sport physical night.  The cost is $25 and must be prepaid in the financial office and have your history form already filled out (at the office).

Be in your best shape (8minute mile)
All girls going into the 9th through 12th grade are invited to attend.